Energy & Vitality for You; in the most simple, elegant and cheapest way!
Life Energy & Life Force Equipments
powered with- & boosted by Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Special Accessories
The Vitality CHI CARD® / Chi Energy Card
Secure a Continuous Supply of Chi Energy (Life Force & Life Energy) with all its benefits!
Due to our performant Life Force Technology, only we can provide it for You!
. .Your Chi Vitality Card® is pure Energy in your pocket, Wallet / Billfold or on your 'smart' phone !
Free Vitality Chi Card for testing! Free Chi Life Energy Transfer Test
Test it, check it, and... use it! Take-over and use it consciously! (Check the online Chi Vitality Card Manual!)
the -cheap & price affordable- Chi Vitality Card / Chi Energy Card !
With this continuous extra powerful transfer of Chi Energy & Prana & Orgone Energy (Life Force & Life Energy), you can now have all the energy you need to begin taking control of money, profession, business, relationships, physical energy for sports, fitness and weight loss, and life itself!
Especially when you are using the Chi Vitality Card® + Manifestation Program Combo!
In addition to this, you can now use your Chi Vitality Card® as Your Personal Pocket Mind Machine that requires absolutely no headphones or -ridicoluos- goggles or other -unconfortable- accesories!
The Chi Vitality Card® (Chi Energy Card) is exciting news for all of those who are in need of more energy (and 90-95% of peoples urgently need it).
This exciting new technology has been possible as a result of the characteristics of Chi-energy & Prana & Orgone-energy (LifeForce & LifeEnergy) in general, and the Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® in particular:
the transfer of Chi Energy & Prana & Orgone Energy (Life Energy& Life Force) at any distance (without any loss) by way of "structural links", or structural connections.
Your personal Chi Vitality Card® (Chi Energy Card) is such a -complex- structural connection with powerful Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® which are integrated into the Life Force Energy generator Equipments, functioning in our labs.
Consequently, it provides and secures for you a continuous supply of Chi Energy & Prana Energy & Orgone Energy (Od, Magnetic Fluid, Bio-Energy, etc.) with all its benefits!
Therefore Your Chi Vitality Card® (Chi Energy Card) is powerful chi-energy (life-energy & life-force, kí, prana, od, orgone-energy, etc.) well and -secure- source in your wallet (or pocket)!
Chi Vitality Card®: the cheapest way to be energized !
ALL valid and active Chi Vitality Cards are in connection (direct structural link) with one of our Heavy Duty type Life Energy & Life Force Equipments, which provide the continuous Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone) for the Chi Vitality Card, which can be -constiously- overtake and can be used in any of desired action for your help, -energetical- protection and -overall- success !
The Chi Vitality Card®
can be your -sure & secure- source of energy, force, vitality and power, which helps you to act at a distance -any distance!-, to make your dreams come true, and to give and secure to your actions the support to succeed, to get what you wish and what you want.
Most importantly, it is extremely versatile, and it is very affordable.
imagine something that is extraordinary.
Imagine that you can now project a large amount of continuous life force & life energy (Chi energy & Prana Energy & Orgone energy) to any one or more of the areas in your life or goals that you want to improve and strengthen.
Naturally, with the help of the Chi Vitality Card® (Chi Energy Card), you significantly reduce the time and the effort that it normally takes and, of course, you can have much more control over these areas.
So, as you already know and and acknowledge, your power is dependent on your available Life Force & Life Energy.
Using Chi-Card® Technology, you are now in a position to have much more Life Force & Life Energy (Chi, Prana, Od, Orgone, Bio-Energy, etc.) available to use it -consiously- in any of your desired action.
Consequently, you are now capable to control it where and when you want to do so.
Obviously, this translates to the ultimate:
you have more Power (chi energy & life force) and consequently you have more control over your realm and reality than others around you.
This is the secret of your Power to control and to manifest your reality with success!